Putting pieces of puzzles together, now slowly I see how our world looks like.
People said I'm a dreamer. But no. I just want my life to be simple.
I want freedom.
I want no violence.
I want peace.
I want the world to be green and everyone to be happy.
Civilization we built, has nothing but too much violence.
The soap and detergent we used, had how many fishes died.
The makeups we have, had how many rabbits killed.
The trashes we created, had how many sea gulls and turtles sacrificed.
Culture we consumed, has nothing but too much of illusion.
Succumb with advertisement, everyone looks the same- trends, clothes, professions, culture.
We are all products of commercialization, enslaved by this culture, with TESCO and IKEA catalogue.
Yes. I am 23 years old and call me a dreamer.
Idealistic, naive, innocent.
Oh, may I be.