Friday, October 21, 2016

Nature of life

I had a dream, which I always tell. In my journey to life, stepping into the world of grown up, I have lost a few times. 

Early of this year, I saw this painted picture. I stood in front of it and I cried.

Image result for 法鼓山 人间净土画
Dharma Drum Mountain, Taiwan. [人间净土]

Yesterday, I had a beautiful conversation between me as a Buddhist and my senior mentor as a Muslim. He told me, if we see the interconnectedness in all these, we will know the reason why we are doing. Though both of us do not used to convey religion practices in English, however I am the fastest to understand what he is trying to tell. He told me two values that are utmost important in life: “Kasih” dan “Sayang”. For me, that is compassion, which I can see from his sincerity and kindness. I know, we both have the same vision on this world.

Here, I sat and listened to the conservationist. I admire what they did. But sometimes, we put others as opposition.

I think anyone in this world can be a conservationist. Only if we started to see that the interconnectedness between human and the nature, and we are actually part of it, not the god of it; only if we started to realize the law of interdependence, that all beings are actually connected as one, compassion will arise and there will have the greatest power to change.

But why many doesn’t see the way I see? Why most of us doesn’t act the way we think? If we see careful enough, how many times that we are actually mindful of what we are doing? For say when we drink water, when we take shower, when we eat. Do we realize where does the water and food comes from, and feel a sense of gratitude? A lot of actions that we did, not only we are unconscious of it, but most of the time with greed, emotions and ignorance. We are used to driven by these forces that we are not aware of it. In the world of marketing, we succumb with materials and wealth and we are actually very used to it until it changes the values in life. “More is good” “Big is good” “Blond is good”. We thought that that is happiness that we search for. 

The world is getting complicated, and some says that the solutions too need to be comprehensive (complicated in other sense). For after all the thoughts, I still think that the solution can be as simple as to start in ourselves, to be peace in ourselves.

Why I care? I don’t really know why and when I had such a dream. Maybe it’s just like the others, a tendency of wanting happiness and peace. Only if we can be at peace with ourselves, we can be at peace with nature. Likewise, only we can starts to contemplate the true relationships with nature, we will find peace in ourselves.

Belum Rainforest Summit 2016

Thanks for bearing my poor English. I am just trying to practice my writing. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016








昨天和老板见一位公司指定的copywritter。过程中聊起了她最近在治疗自己的trauma。她年轻的时候曾经在crisis management team工作。当时一架飞机失事,她是救援队的其中一人。当时接近圣诞节,面对死亡,面对亡者的亲人痛楚,她历历在目。好多年后的今天,她依然很害怕做飞机,一坐上飞机的她便很痛苦。这让我很震撼。如果我经历她所经历,我是否也会和她一样恐惧害怕?


