I have to write it out...
because i can't describe my feelings now
and even can't i control my mind not to think about it
just too much in my mind...spinning, filming...
to my surprise
i was invited by jie hui to watch this film, Agent Orange.
Agent Orange is a herbicides,
used by the US military as a herbicidal warfare programme during the vietnam war.
they spray it using helicopters
all over the land of vietnam
and u know wat?
that herbicide kills the plants in just 6 MINUTES!!!!
oh MY GOD!!!
i can't believe it!!!
and you know....
the consequences are really really bad...
how bad?
the chemicals or the toxins accumulates from generation to generation.
and the children are deformed...badly...
like monster....forgive me to say this....
it is not just sad to see them suffering like that...
but i can't think of any other adj to describe it.
and i started to think about the book i've read 'the stolen future'
which report about the effects of DDT used in the second world war
its the same thing actually
the poison will not only affect the organisms in that time,
but generations to generations...
by accumulating the poisons and the toxins
and i think the same thing will happen to us
if we persist in using pesticides in our daily life
or herbicides in agriculture
it is the same thing isn't it?
it's just that the chemical we consume is not significant yet to have an obvious effect.
but then, after fews generations,
we will have to face the consequences.
i just don't get it
why people still can't realize the importance of organic farming
and the importance to eat organic food
i m terrified...
i hope that people will be aware of the impact of using chemicals
for the sake of human
and the earth
wake up!!!!